RM/Quest Module File Chunk Table Header M09T01 M09T01 M09T01 M09T01 M09O01 M09O01 M09O01 M09O01 M09S01 -step M09S01 -step M09S01 -step M09S01 -step M09P01 M09P01 M09P01 M09P01 M09H01 M09H01 M09H01 M09H01 M09F01 M09F01 M09F01 M09F01 M09D01 M09D01 M09D01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A01 M09A01 M09A01 M09S02 M09S02 M09S02 M09S02 M09S05 M09S05 M09S05 M09S05 M09S08 M09S08 M09S08 M09S08 M09S09 M09S09 M09S09 M09S09 M09S03 M09S03 M09S03 M09S03 M09S07 M09S07 M09S07 M09S07 M09S12 M09S12 M09S12 M09S12 M09A02 M09A02 M09A02 M09A02 M09S04 M09S04 M09S04 M09S04 M09S06 M09S06 M09S06 M09S06 M09S10 M09S10 M09S10 M09S10 M09S11 M09S11 M09S11 M09S11 M09S13 M09S13 M09S13 M09S13 M09S14 M09S14 M09S14 M09S14 M09S16 M09S16 M09S16 M09S16 M09S15 M09S15 M09S15 M09S15 M09T01 M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09S15 M09P01 M09D01 M09H01 M09S03 M09S02 M09S04 M09S06 M09S08 M09S09 M09S10 M09S11 M09S13 M09S14 M09S16 M09F01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S05 Variables Human Human Human Mnvr09 M09T01 HAhs" HAhs% HAhs( HAhs) HAhs" HAhs" HAhs" HAhs% HAhs% HAhs% HAhs( HAhs( HAhs( HAhs) HAhs) HAhs) Exit & Main Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 Arial Text Box Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs18\cf0 Click on an option to continue. \par } m09t01a.bmp Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;\red119\green16\blue18;} \pard\plain\f4\fs20\cf1\b Click on an option from the menu on the left.\plain\f4\fs18\cf2\b \par } Arial btn_proc.bmp Arial btn_sbs.bmp Arial btn_pts.bmp Arial btn_safe.bmp Arial btn_he.bmp Arial btn_disc.bmp Arial btn_actv.bmp Arial Turns sub_proc.bmp Arial Level Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Climbing Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Descending Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Turns sub_pts.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_safe.bmp Arial G-Forces sub_he.bmp Arial Wing Warping sub_disc.bmp Arial Call the Turn sub_act.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_act.bmp mnvr03.wav M09T01 back01.bmp HAhs) HAhs, HAhs- HAhs. HAhs1 HAhs4 HAhs7 HAhs: HAhs= HAhs> HAhs) HAhs) HAhs) HAhs, HAhs, HAhs, HAhs- HAhs- HAhs- HAhs. HAhs. HAhs. HAhs1 HAhs1 HAhs1 HAhs4 HAhs4 HAhs4 HAhs7 HAhs7 HAhs7 HAhs: HAhs: HAhs: HAhs= HAhs= HAhs= HAhs> HAhs> HAhs> Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 ttl09.bmp ttl09o1.bmp Arial Text Box back02b.bmp Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs18\cf0 Click on an option to continue. \par } vido2.bmp m09o01a.avi m09o01a.bmp Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue128;} \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs22\cf1\b Shallow Turn \par \plain\f4\fs18\cf0\b Less Than Approximately 20\'b0 Bank Angle\plain\f4\fs22\cf1\b \par } m09o01b.bmp Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue128;} \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs22\cf1\b Medium Turn \par \plain\f4\fs18\cf0\b Approximately 20\'b0 to 45\'b0 Bank Angle \par } m09o01c.bmp Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue128;} \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs22\cf1\b Steep Turn \par \plain\f4\fs18\cf0\b Approximately 45\'b0 Bank Angle or More\plain\f4\fs22\cf1\b \par } Arial btn_proc.bmp Arial btn_sbs.bmp Arial btn_pts.bmp Arial btn_safe.bmp Arial btn_he.bmp Arial btn_disc.bmp Arial btn_actv.bmp Arial Turns sub_proc.bmp Arial Level Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Climbing Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Descending Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Turns sub_pts.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_safe.bmp Arial G-Forces sub_he.bmp Arial Wing Warping sub_disc.bmp Arial Call the Turn sub_act.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_act.bmp Arial btn_rept.bmp M09O01 back02a.bmp HAhs" HAhs% HAhs& HAhs' HAhs* HAhs- HAhs0 HAhs3 HAhs6 HAhs7 HAhs" HAhs" HAhs" HAhs% HAhs% HAhs% HAhs& HAhs& HAhs& HAhs' HAhs' HAhs' HAhs* HAhs* HAhs* HAhs- HAhs- HAhs- HAhs0 HAhs0 HAhs0 HAhs3 HAhs3 HAhs3 HAhs6 HAhs6 HAhs6 HAhs7 HAhs7 HAhs7 Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. Click on this ballflag to explore this stage of the maneuver. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S02 M09S04 M09S06 ttl09.bmp ttl09s1.bmp Arial Text Box m09s01a.bmp Arial Click on an option to continue. Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red119\green16\blue18;} \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs18\cf1\b Click on a ballflag to explore a stage of a level turn. \par } m09s01a.wav Arial Text Box ball01.bmp Arial Text Box ball02.bmp Arial Text Box ball03.bmp Arial btn_proc.bmp Arial btn_sbs.bmp Arial btn_pts.bmp Arial btn_safe.bmp Arial btn_he.bmp Arial btn_disc.bmp Arial btn_actv.bmp Arial Turns sub_proc.bmp Arial Level Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Climbing Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Descending Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Turns sub_pts.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_safe.bmp Arial G-Forces sub_he.bmp Arial Wing Warping sub_disc.bmp Arial Call the Turn sub_act.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_act.bmp M09S01 -step back03a.bmp HAhs! HAhs" HAhs# HAhs& HAhs) HAhs, HAhs/ HAhs2 HAhs3 HAhs! HAhs! HAhs! HAhs" HAhs" HAhs" HAhs# HAhs# HAhs# HAhs& HAhs& HAhs& HAhs) HAhs) HAhs) HAhs, HAhs, HAhs, HAhs/ HAhs/ HAhs/ HAhs2 HAhs2 HAhs2 HAhs3 HAhs3 HAhs3 Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 ttl09.bmp ttl09p1.bmp Arial Text Box back05b.bmp Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs18\cf0 Click on an option to continue. \par } Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue128;} \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs28\cf1\b TURNS TO HEADINGS\plain\f4\fs20\cf0\b \par The PTS does not include specific criteria for turns using visual references. However, it does have performance standards for basic instrument turns to headings. To meet those PTS requirements, you should be able to: \par } Arial Exhibit knowledge of the elements related to attitude instrument flying during level turns to headings. Use proper instrument cross-check and interpretation as you execute a coordinated level turn to an assigned heading. Fly a standard-rate turn to an assigned heading , solely by reference to instruments while maintaining your altitude, 200 feet, and your airspeed 10 knots. ually Center ually Center ually Center Arial btn_proc.bmp Arial btn_sbs.bmp Arial btn_pts.bmp Arial btn_safe.bmp Arial btn_he.bmp Arial btn_disc.bmp Arial btn_actv.bmp Arial Turns sub_proc.bmp Arial Level Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Climbing Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Descending Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Turns sub_pts.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_safe.bmp Arial G-Forces sub_he.bmp Arial Wing Warping sub_disc.bmp Arial Call the Turn sub_act.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_act.bmp M09P01 back05a.bmp HAhs8 HAhs; HAhs< HAhs= HAhs@ HAhsC HAhsF HAhsI HAhsL HAhsM HAhs8 HAhs8 HAhs8 HAhs; HAhs; HAhs; HAhs< HAhs< HAhs< HAhs= HAhs= HAhs= HAhs@ HAhs@ HAhs@ HAhsC HAhsC HAhsC HAhsF HAhsF HAhsF HAhsI HAhsI HAhsI HAhsL HAhsL HAhsL HAhsM HAhsM HAhsM Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 ttl09.bmp ttl09h1.bmp Arial Text Box back06b.bmp Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs18\cf0 Click on an option to continue. \par } vidh2.bmp m09h01B.avi m09h01a.avi m09h01a.wav m09h01a.bmp m09h01b.bmp Arial Arial Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\plain\f4\fs20\cf0\b (1 G) \par } Arial (2 G's) Arial Click on the picture to find out where you may have pulled Gs without being in an airplane. Arial Video Supplied by Bush Gardens Tampa Bay, an Anheuser-Busch Theme Park. All Rights Reserved. Arial Montu Roller Coaster, Busch Gardens Tampa Florida Times New Roman {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f5\fnil\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\qr\plain\f5\fs18\cf0 PIPER AIRCRAFT CORPORATION \par PA-28-181, ARCHER II \par } Times New Roman {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f5\fnil\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\plain\f5\fs18\cf0 SECTION 2 \par LIMITATIONS \par } page_btm.bmp Arial 2.17 FLIGHT LOAD FACTORS (a) Positive Load Factor (Maximum) (b) Negative Load Factor (Maximum) Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs20\cf0\b Normal \par 3.8 G \par } Arial Utility 4.4 G Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\plain\f4\fs20\cf0\b No inverted maneuvers approved \par } Arial btn_proc.bmp Arial btn_sbs.bmp Arial btn_pts.bmp Arial btn_safe.bmp Arial btn_he.bmp Arial btn_disc.bmp Arial btn_actv.bmp Arial Turns sub_proc.bmp Arial Level Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Climbing Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Descending Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Turns sub_pts.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_safe.bmp Arial G-Forces sub_he.bmp Arial Wing Warping sub_disc.bmp Arial Call the Turn sub_act.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_act.bmp Arial Arial btn_rept.bmp M09H01 back06a.bmp HAhs+ HAhs. HAhs/ HAhs0 HAhs3 HAhs6 HAhs9 HAhs< HAhs? HAhs@ HAhs+ HAhs+ HAhs+ HAhs. HAhs. HAhs. HAhs/ HAhs/ HAhs/ HAhs0 HAhs0 HAhs0 HAhs3 HAhs3 HAhs3 HAhs6 HAhs6 HAhs6 HAhs9 HAhs9 HAhs9 HAhs< HAhs< HAhs< HAhs? HAhs? HAhs? HAhs@ HAhs@ HAhs@ Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. Click on this button to repeat the information. Click on this airplane to learn about its blind spots. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 ttl09.bmp ttl09f1.bmp Arial Text Box back04b.bmp Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs18\cf0 Click on an option to continue. \par } Arial m09f01a.bmp Arial m09f01b.bmp Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red119\green16\blue18;} \pard\plain\f4\fs18\cf1\b Click on an airplane to learn more about blind spots. \par \par } Arial vidf2.bmp m09f01a.avi m09f01b.avi m09f01C.avi m09f01d.bmp m09f01c.bmp Arial In a high-wing airplane, your visibility is much better below the aircraft than above. Since the wing can block your view when you're banked, it's a good idea to lift the wing slightly to check for traffic before you start a turn. Arial In a low-wing airplane, you can can see a lot better above the aircraft than below it. Because airplanes at lower altitudes might be blocked from your view, you might want to make shallow s-turns during steep climbs and descents. Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\plain\f4\fs16\cf0\b Area Blocked by Fuselage \par } Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\plain\f4\fs16\cf0\b Area Blocked by Wing \par \par } Arial btn_proc.bmp Arial btn_sbs.bmp Arial btn_pts.bmp Arial btn_safe.bmp Arial btn_he.bmp Arial btn_disc.bmp Arial btn_actv.bmp Arial Turns sub_proc.bmp Arial Level Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Climbing Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Descending Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Turns sub_pts.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_safe.bmp Arial G-Forces sub_he.bmp Arial Wing Warping sub_disc.bmp Arial Call the Turn sub_act.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_act.bmp Arial btn_rept.bmp M09F01 back04a.bmp HAhs@ HAhsC HAhsD HAhsE HAhsH HAhsK HAhsN HAhsQ HAhsT HAhsU HAhs@ HAhs@ HAhs@ HAhsC HAhsC HAhsC HAhsD HAhsD HAhsD HAhsE HAhsE HAhsE HAhsH HAhsH HAhsH HAhsK HAhsK HAhsK HAhsN HAhsN HAhsN HAhsQ HAhsQ HAhsQ HAhsT HAhsT HAhsT HAhsU HAhsU HAhsU HAhs- HAhs. Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. Click on this button to repeat the information. Click on this button to understand what inspired the Wright Bros. Click on this button to learn how the Wright Flyer works. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 Exit & Main ttl09.bmp ttl09d1.bmp Arial Text Box back07b.bmp Arial Click on an option to continue. m09d01c.bmp M09D01A.avi m09d01d.bmp m09d01e.bmp m09d01f.bmp m09d01g.bmp m09d01h.bmp m09d01i.bmp m09d01j.bmp m09d01k.bmp m09d01l.bmp m09d01m.bmp m09d01n.bmp m09d01o.bmp m09d01p.bmp m09d01q.bmp m09d01a.flc m09d01r.bmp m09d01s.bmp Arial Text Box m09d01a.bmp Arial m09d01b.bmp Arial Arial Click on a picture to learn more about wing warping. Arial How It Works Arial The Inspiration m09d01a.wav m09d01b.wav Arial btn_proc.bmp Arial btn_sbs.bmp Arial btn_pts.bmp Arial btn_safe.bmp Arial btn_he.bmp Arial btn_disc.bmp Arial btn_actv.bmp Arial Turns sub_proc.bmp Arial Level Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Climbing Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Descending Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Turns sub_pts.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_safe.bmp Arial G-Forces sub_he.bmp Arial Wing Warping sub_disc.bmp Arial Call the Turn sub_act.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_act.bmp Arial btn_rept.bmp Arial M09D01 back07a.bmp HAhs" HAhs# HAhs$ HAhs% HAhs& HAhs' HAhs( HAhs? HAhsB HAhsC HAhsD HAhsG HAhsJ HAhsM HAhsP HAhsS HAhsT HAhs? HAhs? HAhs? HAhsB HAhsB HAhsB HAhsC HAhsC HAhsC HAhsD HAhsD HAhsD HAhsG HAhsG HAhsG HAhsJ HAhsJ HAhsJ HAhsM HAhsM HAhsM HAhsP HAhsP HAhsP HAhsS HAhsS HAhsS HAhsT HAhsT HAhsT Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 Arial Text Box ttl09.bmp ttl09a1.bmp back08b.bmp Arial Click on an option to continue. banner3.bmp m09a01a.wav m09a01a.bmp m09a01b.bmp m09a01c.bmp m09a01d.bmp m09a01e.bmp m09a01f.bmp m09a01g.bmp Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red128\green0\blue0;} \pard\plain\f4\fs18\cf1\b Click on the the correct response as the picture appears on the screen. You can try to beat your previous time by trying again. \par } Arial No Change Shallow Turn btn_opt2.bmp Arial No Change Medium Turn btn_opt2.bmp Arial No Change Steep Turn btn_opt2.bmp Arial No Change Slipping Right Turn btn_opt2.bmp Arial No Change Slipping Left Turn btn_opt2.bmp Arial No Change Skidding Right Turn btn_opt2.bmp Arial No Change Skidding Left Turn btn_opt2.bmp correct.wav incorr.wav Arial Incorrect Try Again Arial Correct Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red128\green0\blue0;} \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs18\cf1\b If you'd like to try again, click on the Repeat button. \par } Arial btn_proc.bmp Arial btn_sbs.bmp Arial btn_pts.bmp Arial btn_safe.bmp Arial btn_he.bmp Arial btn_disc.bmp Arial btn_actv.bmp Arial Turns sub_proc.bmp Arial Level Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Climbing Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Descending Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Turns sub_pts.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_safe.bmp Arial G-Forces sub_he.bmp Arial Wing Warping sub_disc.bmp Arial Call the Turn sub_act.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_act.bmp Arial btn_rept.bmp Arial Arial M09A01 back08a.bmp M09S03 HAhs* HAhs- HAhs. HAhs/ HAhs2 HAhs5 HAhs8 HAhs; HAhs> HAhs? HAhs* HAhs* HAhs* HAhs- HAhs- HAhs- HAhs. HAhs. HAhs. HAhs/ HAhs/ HAhs/ HAhs2 HAhs2 HAhs2 HAhs5 HAhs5 HAhs5 HAhs8 HAhs8 HAhs8 HAhs; HAhs; HAhs; HAhs> HAhs> HAhs> HAhs? HAhs? HAhs? Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. Click on this button to play or pause the video. Click on this button to stop and return to the beginning of this video. Click on this button to view a skill enhancement for this stage of the maneuver. Click on this button to return to the maneuver diagram. Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S02 ttl09.bmp ttl09s1.bmp Arial Text Box back03c.bmp sbsbf01.bmp Arial Click on an option to continue. m09s02a.avi Arial btn_stop.bmp Arial btn_play.bmp Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f5\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\tx1560\tx3240\tx4320\tx5280\tx7320\tx8880\plain\f5\fs18\b Before you start your turn, clear the area for traffic. Then, begin turning by moving the yoke in the direction you want to go. \par \par \pard\plain\f5\fs18\b As you roll in, maintain coordinated flight by using rudder pressure in the direction of the turn. To stay on altitude, add some back pressure as your bank angle increases.\plain\f4\fs18\cf0\b \par } Arial btn_sel.bmp Arial btn_retn.bmp Arial btn_rept.bmp m09s02a.bmp m09s02b.bmp m09s02c.bmp Arial btn_proc.bmp Arial btn_sbs.bmp Arial btn_pts.bmp Arial btn_safe.bmp Arial btn_he.bmp Arial btn_disc.bmp Arial btn_actv.bmp Arial Turns sub_proc.bmp Arial Level Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Climbing Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Descending Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Turns sub_pts.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_safe.bmp Arial G-Forces sub_he.bmp Arial Wing Warping sub_disc.bmp Arial Call the Turn sub_act.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_act.bmp M09S02 back03a.bmp M09S04 HAhs9 HAhs< HAhs= HAhs> HAhsA HAhsD HAhsG HAhsJ HAhsM HAhsN HAhs9 HAhs9 HAhs9 HAhs< HAhs< HAhs< HAhs= HAhs= HAhs= HAhs> HAhs> HAhs> HAhsA HAhsA HAhsA HAhsD HAhsD HAhsD HAhsG HAhsG HAhsG HAhsJ HAhsJ HAhsJ HAhsM HAhsM HAhsM HAhsN HAhsN HAhsN HAhs HAhs! Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. Click on this button to repeat the information. Click on this button to return to the ballflag stage of this maneuver. Click on this airplane to learn more about slipping. Click on this airplane to learn more about skidding. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S05 ttl09.bmp ttl09s1.bmp Arial Text Box back03f.bmp Arial Click on an option to continue. sbsbf02.bmp m09s05g.flc m09s05i.flc m09s05g.bmp m09s05h.bmp m09s05i.bmp m09s05j.bmp m09s05c.flc m09s05e.flc m09s05c.bmp m09s05d.bmp m09s05f.bmp m09s05e.bmp Arial Quest Frame Edit - U m09s05a.bmp Arial m09s05b.bmp Arial Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs20\cf0\b Slipping \par } Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs20\cf0\b Skidding \par } m09s05a.wav m09s05B.wav m09s05c.wav Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red119\green16\blue18;} \pard\plain\f4\fs18\cf1\b Click on a button to see how you can tell if the airplane is slipping or skidding, and what you can do about it. \par } Arial btn_retn.bmp Arial btn_rept.bmp Arial btn_proc.bmp Arial btn_sbs.bmp Arial btn_pts.bmp Arial btn_safe.bmp Arial btn_he.bmp Arial btn_disc.bmp Arial btn_actv.bmp Arial Turns sub_proc.bmp Arial Level Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Climbing Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Descending Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Turns sub_pts.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_safe.bmp Arial G-Forces sub_he.bmp Arial Wing Warping sub_disc.bmp Arial Call the Turn sub_act.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_act.bmp M09S05 back03a.bmp HAhs' HAhs* HAhs+ HAhs, HAhs/ HAhs2 HAhs5 HAhs8 HAhs; HAhs< HAhs' HAhs' HAhs' HAhs* HAhs* HAhs* HAhs+ HAhs+ HAhs+ HAhs, HAhs, HAhs, HAhs/ HAhs/ HAhs/ HAhs2 HAhs2 HAhs2 HAhs5 HAhs5 HAhs5 HAhs8 HAhs8 HAhs8 HAhs; HAhs; HAhs; HAhs< HAhs< HAhs< Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. Click on this button to play or pause the video. Click on this button to stop and return to the beginning of this video. Click on this button to return to the maneuver diagram. Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S08 ttl09.bmp ttl09s2.bmp Arial Text Box back03c.bmp sbsbf01.bmp Arial Click on an option to continue. m09s08a.avi Arial btn_stop.bmp Arial btn_play.bmp Arial After you clear the area for traffic, add power and use some back pressure on the yoke to start the climb. At the same time, roll into the turn and use the rudder to maintain coordinated flight. To get a good rate of climb, you'll need to use a fairly small bank angle, like 15 or so. Arial btn_retn.bmp Arial btn_rept.bmp m09s08a.bmp m09s08b.bmp m09s08c.bmp Arial btn_proc.bmp Arial btn_sbs.bmp Arial btn_pts.bmp Arial btn_safe.bmp Arial btn_he.bmp Arial btn_disc.bmp Arial btn_actv.bmp Arial Turns sub_proc.bmp Arial Level Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Climbing Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Descending Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Turns sub_pts.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_safe.bmp Arial G-Forces sub_he.bmp Arial Wing Warping sub_disc.bmp Arial Call the Turn sub_act.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_act.bmp M09S08 back03a.bmp HAhs' HAhs* HAhs+ HAhs, HAhs/ HAhs2 HAhs5 HAhs8 HAhs; HAhs< HAhs' HAhs' HAhs' HAhs* HAhs* HAhs* HAhs+ HAhs+ HAhs+ HAhs, HAhs, HAhs, HAhs/ HAhs/ HAhs/ HAhs2 HAhs2 HAhs2 HAhs5 HAhs5 HAhs5 HAhs8 HAhs8 HAhs8 HAhs; HAhs; HAhs; HAhs< HAhs< HAhs< Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. Click on this button to play or pause the video. Click on this button to stop and return to the beginning of this video. Click on this button to return to the maneuver diagram. Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S09 ttl09.bmp ttl09s2.bmp Arial Text Box back03c.bmp sbsbf02.bmp Arial Click on an option to continue. m09s09a.avi Arial btn_stop.bmp Arial btn_play.bmp Arial When the airplane reaches the angle of bank you want, center the yoke, and use the rudder to maintain coordinated flight. You can use your flight instruments as a cross-check, but to maintain your airspeed and angle of bank, you should mainly use outside reference points. Arial btn_retn.bmp Arial btn_rept.bmp m09s09a.bmp m09s09b.bmp m09s09c.bmp Arial btn_proc.bmp Arial btn_sbs.bmp Arial btn_pts.bmp Arial btn_safe.bmp Arial btn_he.bmp Arial btn_disc.bmp Arial btn_actv.bmp Arial Turns sub_proc.bmp Arial Level Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Climbing Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Descending Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Turns sub_pts.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_safe.bmp Arial G-Forces sub_he.bmp Arial Wing Warping sub_disc.bmp Arial Call the Turn sub_act.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_act.bmp M09S09 back03a.bmp M09S02 HAhs7 HAhs: HAhs; HAhs< HAhs? HAhsB HAhsE HAhsH HAhsK HAhsL HAhs7 HAhs7 HAhs7 HAhs: HAhs: HAhs: HAhs; HAhs; HAhs; HAhs< HAhs< HAhs< HAhs? HAhs? HAhs? HAhsB HAhsB HAhsB HAhsE HAhsE HAhsE HAhsH HAhsH HAhsH HAhsK HAhsK HAhsK HAhsL HAhsL HAhsL Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. Click on this button to repeat the information. Click on this button to return to the ballflag stage of this maneuver. Click on this airplane to learn how to control roll rate. Click on this airplane to learn how to control angle of bank. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S03 ttl09.bmp ttl09s1.bmp Arial Text Box back03f.bmp Arial Click on an option to continue. sbsbf01.bmp m09s03a.avi m09s03B.avi m09s03C.avi Arial m09s03a.bmp Arial m09s03b.bmp Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs20\cf0\b Roll Rate \par \par } Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs20\cf0\b Angle of Bank \par } Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red119\green16\blue18;} \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs18\cf1\b Click on an airplane to see how you can control roll rate or angle of bank. \par } Arial m09s03c.bmp Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs20\cf0\b Moderate Roll Rate \par } m09s03d.bmp Arial Increased Roll Rate Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue128;} \pard\plain\f4\fs22\cf1\b When you reach the bank angle you want, neutralize the ailerons. \par } m09s03a.wav Arial btn_retn.bmp Arial btn_rept.bmp Arial btn_proc.bmp Arial btn_sbs.bmp Arial btn_pts.bmp Arial btn_safe.bmp Arial btn_he.bmp Arial btn_disc.bmp Arial btn_actv.bmp Arial Turns sub_proc.bmp Arial Level Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Climbing Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Descending Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Turns sub_pts.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_safe.bmp Arial G-Forces sub_he.bmp Arial Wing Warping sub_disc.bmp Arial Call the Turn sub_act.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_act.bmp M09S03 back03a.bmp HAhs# HAhs& HAhs' HAhs( HAhs+ HAhs. HAhs4 HAhs1 HAhs7 HAhs8 HAhs# HAhs# HAhs# HAhs& HAhs& HAhs& HAhs' HAhs' HAhs' HAhs( HAhs( HAhs( HAhs+ HAhs+ HAhs+ HAhs. HAhs. HAhs. HAhs1 HAhs1 HAhs1 HAhs4 HAhs4 HAhs4 HAhs7 HAhs7 HAhs7 HAhs8 HAhs8 HAhs8 Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. Click on this ballflag to explore this stage of the maneuver. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S08 M09S09 M09S10 M09S11 Arial Text Box ttl09.bmp ttl09s2.bmp m09s07a.bmp Arial Click on an option to continue. Arial Click on a ballflag to explore a stage of a climbing turn. m09s07a.wav Arial Text Box ball01.bmp Arial Text Box ball02.bmp Arial Text Box ball03.bmp Arial Text Box ball04.bmp Arial btn_proc.bmp Arial btn_sbs.bmp Arial btn_pts.bmp Arial btn_safe.bmp Arial btn_he.bmp Arial btn_disc.bmp Arial btn_actv.bmp Arial Turns sub_proc.bmp Arial Level Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Climbing Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Descending Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Turns sub_pts.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_safe.bmp Arial G-Forces sub_he.bmp Arial Wing Warping sub_disc.bmp Arial Call the Turn sub_act.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_act.bmp M09S07 -step back03a.bmp HAhs" HAhs% HAhs& HAhs' HAhs* HAhs- HAhs0 HAhs3 HAhs6 HAhs7 HAhs" HAhs" HAhs" HAhs% HAhs% HAhs% HAhs& HAhs& HAhs& HAhs' HAhs' HAhs' HAhs* HAhs* HAhs* HAhs- HAhs- HAhs- HAhs0 HAhs0 HAhs0 HAhs3 HAhs3 HAhs3 HAhs6 HAhs6 HAhs6 HAhs7 HAhs7 HAhs7 Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. Click on this ballflag to explore this stage of the maneuver. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S13 M09S14 M09S16 ttl09.bmp ttl09s3.bmp Arial Text Box m09s12a.bmp Arial Click on an option to continue. Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red119\green16\blue18;} \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs18\cf1\b Click on a ballflag to explore a stage of a descending turn. \par } m09s12a.wav Arial Text Box ball01.bmp Arial Text Box ball02.bmp Arial Text Box ball03.bmp Arial btn_proc.bmp Arial btn_sbs.bmp Arial btn_pts.bmp Arial btn_safe.bmp Arial btn_he.bmp Arial btn_disc.bmp Arial btn_actv.bmp Arial Turns sub_proc.bmp Arial Level Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Climbing Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Descending Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Turns sub_pts.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_safe.bmp Arial G-Forces sub_he.bmp Arial Wing Warping sub_disc.bmp Arial Call the Turn sub_act.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_act.bmp M09S12 -step back03a.bmp HAhs7 HAhs: HAhs; HAhs< HAhs? HAhsB HAhsE HAhsH HAhsK HAhsL HAhs7 HAhs7 HAhs7 HAhs: HAhs: HAhs: HAhs; HAhs; HAhs; HAhs< HAhs< HAhs< HAhs? HAhs? HAhs? HAhsB HAhsB HAhsB HAhsE HAhsE HAhsE HAhsH HAhsH HAhsH HAhsK HAhsK HAhsK HAhsL HAhsL HAhsL Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 ttl09.bmp ttl09a2.bmp Arial Text Box back08b.bmp Arial Click on an option to continue. m09a02a.bmp banner3.bmp Arial Click on each blind spot on the high- and low-wing aircraft. m09a02a.wav correct.wav incorr.wav Arial m09a02b.bmp Arial m09a02c.bmp Arial m09a02d.bmp Arial Arial m09a02e.bmp Arial m09a02f.bmp m09a02k.bmp m09a02h.bmp m09a02g.bmp m09a02j.bmp m09a02i.bmp Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green0\blue0;} \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs18\cf1\b Incorrect \par } Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red119\green16\blue18;\red0\green128\blue0;} \pard\qc\plain\f4\fs18\cf2\b Correct \par } Arial btn_rept.bmp Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\plain\f4\fs16\cf0\b Area Blocked by Wing \par \par } Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\plain\f4\fs16\cf0\b Area Blocked by Fuselage \par } Arial Arial btn_proc.bmp Arial btn_sbs.bmp Arial btn_pts.bmp Arial btn_safe.bmp Arial btn_he.bmp Arial btn_disc.bmp Arial btn_actv.bmp Arial Turns sub_proc.bmp Arial Level Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Climbing Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Descending Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Turns sub_pts.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_safe.bmp Arial G-Forces sub_he.bmp Arial Wing Warping sub_disc.bmp Arial Call the Turn sub_act.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_act.bmp M09A02 back08a.bmp M09S05 HAhs) HAhs, HAhs- HAhs. HAhs1 HAhs4 HAhs7 HAhs: HAhs= HAhs> HAhs) HAhs) HAhs) HAhs, HAhs, HAhs, HAhs- HAhs- HAhs- HAhs. HAhs. HAhs. HAhs1 HAhs1 HAhs1 HAhs4 HAhs4 HAhs4 HAhs7 HAhs7 HAhs7 HAhs: HAhs: HAhs: HAhs= HAhs= HAhs= HAhs> HAhs> HAhs> Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. Click on this button to return to the maneuver diagram. Click on this button to repeat the information. Click on this button to play or pause the video. Click on this button to stop and return to the beginning of this video. Click on this button to view a skill enhancement for this stage of the maneuver. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S04 ttl09.bmp ttl09s1.bmp Arial Text Box back03c.bmp sbsbf02.bmp Arial Click on an option to continue. m09s04a.avi Arial btn_stop.bmp Arial btn_play.bmp m09s04a.bmp m09s04b.bmp m09s04c.bmp m09s04d.bmp Arial btn_sel.bmp Arial btn_retn.bmp Arial btn_rept.bmp Arial When you reach the bank angle you want, center the yoke and use the rudder to maintain coordinated flight. While you're in the turn, hold the nose in the same position in relation to the horizon. Then, every once in awhile, look at your flight instruments to check your progress. Arial btn_proc.bmp Arial btn_sbs.bmp Arial btn_pts.bmp Arial btn_safe.bmp Arial btn_he.bmp Arial btn_disc.bmp Arial btn_actv.bmp Arial Turns sub_proc.bmp Arial Level Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Climbing Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Descending Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Turns sub_pts.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_safe.bmp Arial G-Forces sub_he.bmp Arial Wing Warping sub_disc.bmp Arial Call the Turn sub_act.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_act.bmp M09S04 back03a.bmp HAhs- HAhs0 HAhs1 HAhs2 HAhs5 HAhs8 HAhs; HAhs> HAhsA HAhsB HAhs- HAhs- HAhs- HAhs0 HAhs0 HAhs0 HAhs1 HAhs1 HAhs1 HAhs2 HAhs2 HAhs2 HAhs5 HAhs5 HAhs5 HAhs8 HAhs8 HAhs8 HAhs; HAhs; HAhs; HAhs> HAhs> HAhs> HAhsA HAhsA HAhsA HAhsB HAhsB HAhsB Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. Click on this button to play or pause the video. Click on this button to stop and return to the beginning of this video. Click on this button to return to the maneuver diagram. Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S06 ttl09.bmp ttl09s1.bmp Arial Text Box back03c.bmp sbsbf03.bmp Arial Click on an option to continue. m09s06a.avi Arial btn_stop.bmp Arial btn_play.bmp Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f5\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f6\fswiss\fcharset0 Symbol;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\plain\f4\fs18\b You should begin rolling out of your turn about one half of the number of degrees of your bank angle before you get to your heading. So, for example, if you're in a 30\plain\f6\fs18\b \'b0\plain\f4\fs18\b bank, you should start rolling out about 15\plain\f6\fs18\b \'b0\plain\f4\fs18\b before the heading you want. \par \par As you roll out, use the rudder to maintain coordinated flight, and gradually release back pressure to stay on altitude.\plain\f5\fs18\cf0\b \par } Arial btn_retn.bmp Arial btn_rept.bmp m09s06a.bmp Arial Lead 15 m09s06b.bmp m09s06c.bmp Arial btn_proc.bmp Arial btn_sbs.bmp Arial btn_pts.bmp Arial btn_safe.bmp Arial btn_he.bmp Arial btn_disc.bmp Arial btn_actv.bmp Arial Turns sub_proc.bmp Arial Level Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Climbing Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Descending Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Turns sub_pts.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_safe.bmp Arial G-Forces sub_he.bmp Arial Wing Warping sub_disc.bmp Arial Call the Turn sub_act.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_act.bmp M09S06 back03a.bmp HAhs( HAhs+ HAhs, HAhs- HAhs0 HAhs3 HAhs6 HAhs9 HAhs< HAhs= HAhs( HAhs( HAhs( HAhs+ HAhs+ HAhs+ HAhs, HAhs, HAhs, HAhs- HAhs- HAhs- HAhs0 HAhs0 HAhs0 HAhs3 HAhs3 HAhs3 HAhs6 HAhs6 HAhs6 HAhs9 HAhs9 HAhs9 HAhs< HAhs< HAhs< HAhs= HAhs= HAhs= Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. Click on this button to play or pause the video. Click on this button to stop and return to the beginning of this video. Click on this button to return to the maneuver diagram. Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S10 ttl09.bmp ttl09s2.bmp Arial Text Box back03c.bmp sbsbf03.bmp Arial Click on an option to continue. m09s10a.avi Arial btn_stop.bmp Arial btn_play.bmp Arial btn_retn.bmp Arial btn_rept.bmp Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f5\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\tx1560\tx3240\tx4320\tx5280\tx7320\tx8880\plain\f4\fs18\b Usually, you should lead your roll out by one half the angle of bank, and your leveloff by 10% of the rate of climb. As you reach your lead point, begin to roll out, release back pressure, and maintain coordinated flight using the rudder. \par \par \pard\plain\f4\fs18\b If you reach your heading before your altitude, roll out and keep climbing. If you reach your altitude first, level off, and keep the turn going.\plain\f5\fs18\cf0\b \par } m09s10a.bmp m09s10b.bmp m09s10c.bmp Arial btn_proc.bmp Arial btn_sbs.bmp Arial btn_pts.bmp Arial btn_safe.bmp Arial btn_he.bmp Arial btn_disc.bmp Arial btn_actv.bmp Arial Turns sub_proc.bmp Arial Level Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Climbing Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Descending Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Turns sub_pts.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_safe.bmp Arial G-Forces sub_he.bmp Arial Wing Warping sub_disc.bmp Arial Call the Turn sub_act.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_act.bmp M09S10 back03a.bmp HAhs% HAhs( HAhs) HAhs* HAhs- HAhs0 HAhs3 HAhs6 HAhs9 HAhs: HAhs% HAhs% HAhs% HAhs( HAhs( HAhs( HAhs) HAhs) HAhs) HAhs* HAhs* HAhs* HAhs- HAhs- HAhs- HAhs0 HAhs0 HAhs0 HAhs3 HAhs3 HAhs3 HAhs6 HAhs6 HAhs6 HAhs9 HAhs9 HAhs9 HAhs: HAhs: HAhs: Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. Click on this button to play or pause the video. Click on this button to stop and return to the beginning of this video. Click on this button to return to the maneuver diagram. Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S11 ttl09.bmp ttl09s2.bmp Arial Text Box back03c.bmp sbsbf04.bmp Arial Click on an option to continue. m09s11a.avi Arial btn_stop.bmp Arial btn_play.bmp m09s11a.bmp Arial After you level off, let the airplane accelerate. Then, once you reach cruise speed, if you need to, go ahead and adjust the throttle. Arial btn_retn.bmp Arial btn_rept.bmp Arial btn_proc.bmp Arial btn_sbs.bmp Arial btn_pts.bmp Arial btn_safe.bmp Arial btn_he.bmp Arial btn_disc.bmp Arial btn_actv.bmp Arial Turns sub_proc.bmp Arial Level Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Climbing Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Descending Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Turns sub_pts.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_safe.bmp Arial G-Forces sub_he.bmp Arial Wing Warping sub_disc.bmp Arial Call the Turn sub_act.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_act.bmp M09S11 back03a.bmp HAhs' HAhs* HAhs+ HAhs, HAhs/ HAhs2 HAhs5 HAhs8 HAhs; HAhs< HAhs' HAhs' HAhs' HAhs* HAhs* HAhs* HAhs+ HAhs+ HAhs+ HAhs, HAhs, HAhs, HAhs/ HAhs/ HAhs/ HAhs2 HAhs2 HAhs2 HAhs5 HAhs5 HAhs5 HAhs8 HAhs8 HAhs8 HAhs; HAhs; HAhs; HAhs< HAhs< HAhs< Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. Click on this button to play or pause the video. Click on this button to stop and return to the beginning of this video. Click on this button to return to the maneuver diagram. Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S13 ttl09.bmp ttl09s3.bmp Arial Text Box back03c.bmp sbsbf01.bmp Arial Click on an option to continue. m09s13a.avi Arial btn_stop.bmp Arial btn_play.bmp Arial Before you start a descending turn, clear the area for traffic and add carburetor heat if you need to. Then, reduce power, lower the nose, and roll into your turn. Make sure you use the rudder to maintain coordinated flight. Arial btn_retn.bmp Arial btn_rept.bmp m09s13a.bmp m09s13b.bmp m09s13c.bmp Arial btn_proc.bmp Arial btn_sbs.bmp Arial btn_pts.bmp Arial btn_safe.bmp Arial btn_he.bmp Arial btn_disc.bmp Arial btn_actv.bmp Arial Turns sub_proc.bmp Arial Level Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Climbing Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Descending Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Turns sub_pts.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_safe.bmp Arial G-Forces sub_he.bmp Arial Wing Warping sub_disc.bmp Arial Call the Turn sub_act.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_act.bmp M09S13 back03a.bmp M09S15 HAhs' HAhs* HAhs+ HAhs, HAhs/ HAhs2 HAhs5 HAhs8 HAhs; HAhs< HAhs' HAhs' HAhs' HAhs* HAhs* HAhs* HAhs+ HAhs+ HAhs+ HAhs, HAhs, HAhs, HAhs/ HAhs/ HAhs/ HAhs2 HAhs2 HAhs2 HAhs5 HAhs5 HAhs5 HAhs8 HAhs8 HAhs8 HAhs; HAhs; HAhs; HAhs< HAhs< HAhs< Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. Click on this button to play or pause the video. Click on this button to stop and return to the beginning of this video. Click on this button to view a skill enhancement for this stage of the maneuver. Click on this button to return to the maneuver diagram. Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S14 ttl09.bmp ttl09s3.bmp Arial Text Box back03c.bmp sbsbf02.bmp Arial Click on an option to continue. Arial When you reach the angle of bank you want, neutralize the ailerons. Keep your airspeed and angle of bank the same by using outside references as much as possible. Use the flight instruments mostly as a back-up, and to keep track of your progress through the turn. m09s14a.avi Arial btn_stop.bmp Arial btn_play.bmp m09s14a.bmp m09s14b.bmp Arial btn_sel.bmp Arial btn_retn.bmp Arial btn_rept.bmp Arial btn_proc.bmp Arial btn_sbs.bmp Arial btn_pts.bmp Arial btn_safe.bmp Arial btn_he.bmp Arial btn_disc.bmp Arial btn_actv.bmp Arial Turns sub_proc.bmp Arial Level Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Climbing Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Descending Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Turns sub_pts.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_safe.bmp Arial G-Forces sub_he.bmp Arial Wing Warping sub_disc.bmp Arial Call the Turn sub_act.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_act.bmp M09S14 back03a.bmp HAhs+ HAhs. HAhs/ HAhs0 HAhs3 HAhs6 HAhs9 HAhs< HAhs? HAhs@ HAhs+ HAhs+ HAhs+ HAhs. HAhs. HAhs. HAhs/ HAhs/ HAhs/ HAhs0 HAhs0 HAhs0 HAhs3 HAhs3 HAhs3 HAhs6 HAhs6 HAhs6 HAhs9 HAhs9 HAhs9 HAhs< HAhs< HAhs< HAhs? HAhs? HAhs? HAhs@ HAhs@ HAhs@ Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. Click on this button to play or pause the video. Click on this button to stop and return to the beginning of this video. Click on this button to return to the maneuver diagram. Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S16 ttl09.bmp ttl09s3.bmp Arial Text Box back03c.bmp sbsbf03.bmp Arial Click on an option to continue. m09s16a.avi Arial btn_stop.bmp Arial btn_play.bmp Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f5\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\tx1560\tx3240\tx4320\tx5280\tx7320\tx8880\plain\f5\fs18\b In most cases, you should lead your roll-out by one half the angle of bank, and your leveloff by 10% of the rate of descent. As you reach your lead point, adjust the yoke to roll out and begin your leveloff. Make sure you use the rudder to maintain coordinated flight. As you're leveling off, adjust the throttle to the cruise power setting and, if you used carb heat, turn it off. \par \par \pard\plain\f5\fs18\b If you reach your target altitude first, level off, add power, and continue to turn. If you reach your heading first, roll out of the turn and keep descending.\plain\f4\fs18\cf0\b \par } Arial btn_retn.bmp Arial btn_rept.bmp m09s16a.bmp m09s16b.bmp m09s16c.bmp m09s16d.bmp Arial btn_proc.bmp Arial btn_sbs.bmp Arial btn_pts.bmp Arial btn_safe.bmp Arial btn_he.bmp Arial btn_disc.bmp Arial btn_actv.bmp Arial Turns sub_proc.bmp Arial Level Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Climbing Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Descending Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Turns sub_pts.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_safe.bmp Arial G-Forces sub_he.bmp Arial Wing Warping sub_disc.bmp Arial Call the Turn sub_act.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_act.bmp M09S16 back03a.bmp M09S14 HAhs) HAhs, HAhs- HAhs. HAhs1 HAhs4 HAhs7 HAhs: HAhs= HAhs> HAhs) HAhs) HAhs) HAhs, HAhs, HAhs, HAhs- HAhs- HAhs- HAhs. HAhs. HAhs. HAhs1 HAhs1 HAhs1 HAhs4 HAhs4 HAhs4 HAhs7 HAhs7 HAhs7 HAhs: HAhs: HAhs: HAhs= HAhs= HAhs= HAhs> HAhs> HAhs> Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. Click on this button to repeat the information. Click on this button to return to the ballflag stage of this maneuver. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S15 ttl09.bmp ttl09s3.bmp Arial Text Box back03f.bmp sbsbf02.bmp Arial Click on an option to continue. Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue128;} \pard\plain\f4\fs22\cf1\b To change your rate of descent, but stay on airspeed, you normally use the power. \par } Arial If you want a higher rate of descent, cut back on the power. Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue128;} \pard\plain\f4\fs22\cf1\b For a lower rate of descent, add some power.\plain\f3\fs17\b \par } Arial btn_retn.bmp Arial btn_rept.bmp m09s15a.avi m09s15a.bmp m09s15b.bmp m09s15c.bmp Arial btn_proc.bmp Arial btn_sbs.bmp Arial btn_pts.bmp Arial btn_safe.bmp Arial btn_he.bmp Arial btn_disc.bmp Arial btn_actv.bmp Arial Turns sub_proc.bmp Arial Level Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Climbing Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Descending Turns sub_sbs.bmp Arial Turns sub_pts.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_safe.bmp Arial G-Forces sub_he.bmp Arial Wing Warping sub_disc.bmp Arial Call the Turn sub_act.bmp Arial Blind Spots sub_act.bmp M09S15 back03a.bmp Exit & Main Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M9S1B1 a:\CD2JMIS.Jep M9S1B2 M9S1B3 M9S2B1 M9S2B2 M9S2B3 M9S2B4 M9S3B1 M9S3B2 M9S3B3 b09S1 b09S2 b09S3 b09A1 b09A2 a:\JMCBTU99.Jep There is no disk in your (A:) disk drive. Please insert your data tracking disk into the appropriate drive and click on OK. If you choose Cancel, your progress for this session will not be recorded. Floppy Status datsave.bmp Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green0\blue0;} \pard\plain\f4\fs20\cf0\b Saving user data. . .\plain\f4\fs18\cf1\b \par } uest Frame Edit - Menu ns Menu M9S1B1 a:\CD2JMIS.Jep M9S1B2 M9S1B3 M9S2B1 M9S2B2 M9S2B3 M9S2B4 M9S3B1 M9S3B2 M9S3B3 b09S1 b09S2 b09S3 b09A1 b09A2 a:\JMCBTU99.Jep EXIT01 There is no disk in your (A:) disk drive. Please insert your data tracking disk into the appropriate drive and click on OK. If you choose Cancel, your progress for this session will not be recorded. Floppy Status EXIT01 datsave.bmp Arial {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 System;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green0\blue0;} \pard\plain\f4\fs20\cf0\b Saving user data. . .\plain\f4\fs18\cf1\b \par } uest Frame Edit - Exit ns Menu Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. 0Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. >Click on this ballflag to explore this stage of the maneuver. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S02 M09S04 M09S06 Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. >Click on this ballflag to explore this stage of the maneuver. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S08 M09S09 M09S10 M09S11 Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. >Click on this ballflag to explore this stage of the maneuver. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S13 M09S14 M09S16 Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. 0Click on this button to repeat the information. GClick on this button to return to the ballflag stage of this maneuver. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S15 Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. 0Click on this button to repeat the information. BClick on this button to understand what inspired the Wright Bros. :Click on this button to learn how the Wright Flyer works. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 Exit & Main Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. 0Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. 0Click on this button to repeat the information. GClick on this button to return to the ballflag stage of this maneuver. :Click on this airplane to learn how to control roll rate. >Click on this airplane to learn how to control angle of bank. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S03 iPlay Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. 1Click on this button to play or pause the video. HClick on this button to stop and return to the beginning of this video. QClick on this button to view a skill enhancement for this stage of the maneuver. 8Click on this button to return to the maneuver diagram. 0Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S02 iPlay Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. 8Click on this button to return to the maneuver diagram. 0Click on this button to repeat the information. 1Click on this button to play or pause the video. HClick on this button to stop and return to the beginning of this video. QClick on this button to view a skill enhancement for this stage of the maneuver. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S04 iPlay Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. 1Click on this button to play or pause the video. HClick on this button to stop and return to the beginning of this video. 8Click on this button to return to the maneuver diagram. 0Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S06 iPlay Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. 1Click on this button to play or pause the video. HClick on this button to stop and return to the beginning of this video. 8Click on this button to return to the maneuver diagram. 0Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S08 iPlay Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. 1Click on this button to play or pause the video. HClick on this button to stop and return to the beginning of this video. 8Click on this button to return to the maneuver diagram. 0Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S09 iPlay Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. 1Click on this button to play or pause the video. HClick on this button to stop and return to the beginning of this video. 8Click on this button to return to the maneuver diagram. 0Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S10 iPlay Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. 1Click on this button to play or pause the video. HClick on this button to stop and return to the beginning of this video. 8Click on this button to return to the maneuver diagram. 0Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S11 iPlay Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. 1Click on this button to play or pause the video. HClick on this button to stop and return to the beginning of this video. 8Click on this button to return to the maneuver diagram. 0Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S13 iPlay Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. 1Click on this button to play or pause the video. HClick on this button to stop and return to the beginning of this video. QClick on this button to view a skill enhancement for this stage of the maneuver. 8Click on this button to return to the maneuver diagram. 0Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S14 iPlay Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. 1Click on this button to play or pause the video. HClick on this button to stop and return to the beginning of this video. 8Click on this button to return to the maneuver diagram. 0Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S16 Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. 0Click on this button to repeat the information. 7Click on this airplane to learn about its blind spots. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 RanString RanNum nLoop vDone Counting WhButt RunCounter WhQuestion WhAnswer Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. 0Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 Get_Random Check_Random Action NumFin Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. 0Click on this button to repeat the information. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 Go to Procedures Overview. Click on an option to continue. Go to Step-By-Step Procedures. Go to Practical Test Standards. Go to Safety Factors. Go to Human Element. Go to Discovery. Go to Activities. 0Click on this button to repeat the information. GClick on this button to return to the ballflag stage of this maneuver. 5Click on this airplane to learn more about slipping. 5Click on this airplane to learn more about skidding. M09O01 M09S01 M09S07 M09S12 M09P01 M09F01 M09H01 M09D01 M09A01 M09A02 M09S05